Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

ok i am getting my wisdom teeth removed tommorow how long will i be down and out?

Wisdom teeth?
Many people have their wisdom teeth removed under local anaesthesia by a general dentist or oral surgeon. This means that they are awake, but the area around the wisdom tooth is completely numb. Sedative drugs can be given with local anaesthesia to help people relax during the procedure.

Some people have their wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthesia. This means that they are asleep throughout the procedure. This has to be done in hospital, but it%26#039;s almost always carried out as a day case, requiring no overnight stay. Typically, patients are asked not to eat or drink for about six hours before general anaesthesia. However, some anaesthetists allow a few sips of water until two hours beforehand.

The operation will not start until the anaesthetic has taken effect. It is often necessary to make a small cut in the gum over the wisdom tooth, and to remove some bone so that the tooth can be lifted out. Stitches are usually put in to help the gum heal.

What to expect afterwards

It will be necessary to rest for a while after general anaesthesia or sedation. The jaw may feel stiff and sore, but painkillers will help to relieve discomfort.

Most people can go home as soon as they have recovered from the anaesthesia. However, if you have had general anaesthesia or sedation, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours.

General anaesthesia can temporarily affect co-ordination and reasoning skills, so you should not drive, drink alcohol, operate machinery or sign legal documents for 48 hours afterwards.

You may be given painkillers, antibiotics and mouthwash solutions to take home. Once home, the painkillers should be taken as advised by the surgeon and nurses. Any pain, swelling or stiffness is usually at its worst two or three days after the operation and then gradually improves.

Do not vigorously rinse your mouth out during the first 24 hours because this disturbs the blood clots that are part of the healing process. After meals, rinse gently with warm salt water (one teaspoon of table salt to a glass).

At first, it may be possible to feel small fragments of bone with your tongue. These are the edges of the tooth socket and will soon disappear as the gum heals.

Depending on the type of stitches used, they may need to be removed (arrangements will be made for this to be done). If dissolvable stitches have been used, they will disappear 7 to 10 days after the operation.

To begin with, you should eat soft foods, gradually returning to a normal diet once any jaw stiffness has settled. Very hot drinks and spicy food can increase pain and bleeding and should be avoided until the gum has healed.

Drinking alcohol and smoking should also be avoided as they can increase bleeding and delay healing.

Anyone who experiences increased bleeding should fold a clean handkerchief or piece of gauze, place it on the bleeding gum and - in a sitting position - bite on it for at least 20 minutes. It is important not to rinse your mouth out or lie down.

Most people experience no problems following an operation to remove wisdom teeth. However, contact your dentist or the hospital immediately if you develop any of the following:

bleeding that doesn%26#039;t stop after applying pressure, or that lasts for more than half an hour

difficulty breathing or swallowing

a face that continues to swell more than three days after the operation

a fever or high temperature

severe pain that is not relieved by painkillers

These symptoms may indicate that you have an infection or another problem.

Side-effects and complications

The extraction of wisdom teeth is a commonly performed and generally safe procedure. For most people, the benefits - treatment of pain, decay and infection - are greater than any disadvantages. However, in order to make an informed decision, anyone deciding whether or not to have this procedure needs to be aware of the possible side-effects and the risk of complications.


These are the unwanted but usually mild and temporary effects of a successful procedure. Examples of side-effects include feeling sick as a result of the anaesthetic and occasional bleeding from the gums, which can last 12 hours or more. There may also be some facial swelling, pain and jaw stiffness, which can last for several days.


Complications are problems that can occur during or after the operation. Most people are not affected. The main possible complications of any surgery include excessive bleeding during or soon after the operation, infection, and an unexpected reaction to the anaesthetic. Complications may require further treatment such as having another operation to stop bleeding, or antibiotics to treat an infection.

Specific complications of having wisdom teeth extracted are uncommon but may include accidental damage to other teeth.

Occasionally nerves in the jaw can be damaged, either by the surgery or by swelling afterwards. This can cause temporary numbness or %26quot;pins and needles%26quot; in the lower lip or tongue after lower wisdom teeth have been removed. In a small number of cases this altered sensation is permanent.

The risk of complications depends on the exact position of the wisdom teeth, the type of anaesthetic used and other factors such as the person%26#039;s general health. Your surgeon will be able to explain how these risks apply to you.
Reply:2-3 days, you%26#039;ll need some strong pain meds.
Reply:If you are having them pulled - not long. If you are having them surgically removed, I%26#039;ll be praying for you! It will take you about a week to get over it, maybe longer. I have had all kinds of surgery and I think that is the worst one I%26#039;ve ever had. I don%26#039;t mean to scare you or make you worry, but I wasn%26#039;t prepared for how bad it felt. I think it%26#039;s because of all of the nerve endings in the mouth.

Also, I am not a wimp. I didn%26#039;t take anything for pain after having a C-Section and after a Hysterectomy.
Reply:It depends on you situation. One of my friends got all 4 of his wisdom teeth pulled and he was out for 2-3 days, with minimal swelling and pain. I on the other hand was out for about 2 weeks. My face looked like someone beat me with a bat and I looked like a chipmunk for 1 week. And it hurt like a b****! It all depends, but you can expect to be out for at least 3 days.

Good luck!
Reply:Not very long, I had all 4 taken out and other then some minor swelling its no big deal. Our neighbors 16 yr old just had it done and he was so worried about pain, he was out snow boarding the next day. Said he had a whole lot more pain when he had a in- grown toenail removed.

Back teeth, also called third molars, that usually come in between the ages of 15 to 25. In ancient times, humans needed these teeth to chew and grind raw food, but today many people have them removed because they are hard to clean, which in turn can lead to infection, or because there is no room in the jaw for these teeth to grow in straight.

The third molar of the mouth, located in the very back. It is often recommended that these teeth be extracted, as they are often difficult to maintain, as well as can be a cause for unnecessary teeth-crowding.

Wisdom teeth are third molars that usually appear between the ages of 18 and 20 (although they may appear when older, or fail to appear at all). They are called %26quot;wisdom teeth%26quot; because they appear so late—much later than the other teeth, at an age where people are supposedly wiser than as a child, when the other teeth erupt. Often they need to be removed when they impact against other teeth—colloquially known as %26quot;coming in sideways.%26quot;
Reply:I had mine surgically removed (that is they had not broken through the gums) 2 at a time. It%26#039;s not as bad as some people say, at least not for me. I was put to sleep to have them done (by IV) and basically just went home took my pain meds and slept the rest of the day. The Dr. only gave me 2 days worth of pain meds and I think I only took them that first day. The area was sore afterwards, but I had no swelling in my face and no real pain to speak of. Just have to be careful with what you eat since they put dissolvable stiches in where they pulled the teeth and you dont want food getting in there. Stick to soft foods and all will be well. By the way, I had mine done in a oral surgeons office, no need to go to a hospital for this procedure. They just keep you there until you wake up and can walk, obviously you%26#039;ll need someone to drive you home though.


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