Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wisdom teeth?


I am getting my wisdom teeth out, but I was just wondering if i should be put to sleep or stay awake (and be numb)!!!! if I am awake, i will be able to hear everything, but if I am put to sleep, i will have to get a shot on my arm! and I am a BIGGG Baby! lol. SO if any of you have advice... let me know!!!

Wisdom teeth?
I had mine removed when I was 16, and had to listen to my parents. They would not let me be knocked out completely. So I was just numbed.

Besides the large needle I saw (and felt) them put into the roof of my mouth, it was fine and I felt nothing after.

As for the hearing things - most doctors, if you%26#039;re awake, will let you bring something to listen to.

Back in the day, it was a Walkman for me.

I just zoned into the music for an hour they did their stuff and I was fine.
Reply:There are other options. I don%26#039;t remember any shots. They gave me valium, Novocaine, and laughing gas. If they gave me a shot, I don%26#039;t remember it at all. I was so drugged up, I had to nap all day long. I was 95% during the procedure, kinda like a light sleep. Like i said, I don%26#039;t really remember anything except being really tired. Let them give you the drugs, it%26#039;s a lot better than worrying about what they are doing. Mine went extremely well. Very little pain, no infection, etc. They put me on Ibuprofen, steroids, and antibiotics after the procedure just in case, and they worked well.
Reply:I just had mine out this morning. I was put under general anesthesia. Before they gave me the needle for the IV they gave me nitrous oxide (laughing gas) i barely felt the needle. Plus, wouldnt one small needle be better than hearing them cracking your teeth? Also, being put out was great because there was no sound or pain and whne you wakeup you dont even remember the surgery.


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