Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

hello I had a surgery to removed my two lower wisdom teeth last Thursday October 11th. and I still have some pain but now it extended to my upper cheek on the cheekbone and towards my ear it is not so painful but it is kind of uncomfortable well my question is : Is this normal? and I already finish with the antibiotic medicine to prevent an infection they just directed me to take them for 7 days is this ok?

Wisdom teeth?
Yes that is totally normal. I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time, and i experienced the same symptoms. It lasted right around 14 days for me. Hope this helps
Reply:yes it%26#039;s normal.....if the pain continues after 2 weeks, than I would go back to where you had the teeth pulled and confront them about it....
Reply:That does not sound normal to me. I had all four removed at once and had no pain after 3 days. If it is pretty mild, you might try taking some Advil or Tylenol and see if that helps. It could be that your jaw muscles are sore from having your mouth open for so long. If it doesn%26#039;t go away by Monday, call your dentist or oral surgeon and describe your symptoms.
Reply:extracting two lower wisdom teeth is not recommended the pain u are experencing is called refred pain very normal u may be suffring from acomplication called dry socket

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