Monday, April 20, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

Hello all, I am having my wisdom teeth removed next week, has anyone had this surgery, did it hurt?? How long did you need of work etc, and anyone suffer Dry socket??

Many thanks.


Wisdom teeth?
I had mine removed when I was 19 and they were cut out because they were impacted and weren%26#039;t growing through the gum line just sitting there pushing my other teeth. I won%26#039;t lie to you It hurts for about 3 days and don%26#039;t worry the dentist will give you pain killers and your face will be swollen for about 3-5 days. This is all normal. Just rest after the procedure. I am 29 now!
Reply:I had mine out 2 mos took about an hour, I was in pain for a day and by the second day I was still not feeling great but was up and around and eating soup and soft bread. I didn%26#039;t get dry sockets at all.
Reply:Well I had mine removed at my dentist yes it was sore but not that bad I didn%26#039;t have to take time off work and was fine to go back the very next day One tip the dentist gave me was when I got home I put a wet teabag between my bite where my extracted teeth came out and had to gently bit on it Apparently there is some chemical in the tea that stops you bleeding and every now and again rinse out my mouth with some warm salt water
Reply:The bottom ones, fifteen years ago in a British Military Hospital - no problems.

One stitch each - they fell out themselves.

And the wisdom - well that has come back during the last fifteen years!!!
Reply:I didn%26#039;t think the surgery was bad at all... my joints were a little sore from my mouth being propped open for so long. They prescribed me ibuprofen 800mg and vicodin and I didn%26#039;t even have to take the vicodin...more than anything I was just very tired from the anethesia...

The pain was very minimal compared to the pain that the actual teeth caused me.

Good Luck!


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