Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wisdom Teeth?

All my wisdom teeth are almost all in, but one of them hurts really bad, my gums are swollen around it, and it hurts when i bite down. Sometimes that whole side of my jaw hurts. It hurts so bad I can't sleep! Should I see a dentist or is this normal?

Wisdom Teeth?
Although it could be costly, I would see a dentist, at least call them to see if you should be seen! You never know if maybe that one is coming in crooked, and could be pushing against your other teeth. It could also be impacted, or starting to get infected. These are all things your dentist can help you find by doing an easy exam!

My first 3 wisdom teeth came in fine, but one started coming in sideways! Surgery wasn't near as horrible as everyone said. Just listen to what the dentist tells you to do and follow it to a 't' !
Reply:you need an oral surgeon asap. sometimes they have emergency hours. the one that hurts may be abscessed which means infection. be sure to stress that you are in lots of pain, they should get you in sooner.
Reply:definitely go see a dentist. once your wisdom teeth are full grown you are supposed to get them pulled out because there is not enough room in your mouth for all of your other teeth and your wisdom teeth.

its probably swelling because it has no room left and is pushing against your other teeth.

of course getting it pulled won't be fun, but it will definitely be worth it.
Reply:yep. go see the dentist coz wisdom teeth do cause problems sometimes, due to the fact that they push their way up in the jaw where most of the time there is no enough space for them
Reply:Most people get their wisdom teeth pulled before they even grow in. See your dentist appt asap. He'll refer you to an oral surgeon
Reply:go on monday afternoon. i had mine pulled 3 wks ago and im 12.


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