Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wisdom teeth ?

i was at the dentist and he said that my wisdom teeth are soon going to be coming up .

i heard alot of people saying they had to get theirs removed , but if they are not causing problems do they still have to get removed .

Wisdom teeth ?
No, you only need to get them removed if they will disrupt the rest of your teeth.
Reply:I still have my wisdom teeth. They haven't caused any problems so I don't want to get them out yet. Once they start causing problems you may need to get them out.
Reply:It is very likely they are growing in at an angle that will soon cause you problems. You do not want to wait until they get impacted to get removed.
Reply:When you get cleanings, they check your wisdoms out and let you know if they need to do anything about them. It doesn't sound like it's an issue for you right now, but they are really no big deal, even if you do have to eventually get them removed.
Reply:I am not sure.. I went a long time without mine out.. and Frankly I like having them out... They hurt cuz mine kept coming up and down.. over and over.. So finally I got them pulled and now I have less pain.
Reply:well you see, it depends on the situation. I had braces for a year and a half, right after that, i had to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed, even though three of them did not appear out of the gums. I had to do this because i had braces, and my mouth doesnt have enuf space for more teeth. now if you have space, then no they dont have to be removed.

your dentist might want to remove the wisdome tooth now because sometimes ppl cant take care of them good enought. so food gets caught btwn the gum and the teeth. or it can get infected.

also, if your wisdome tooth grows enough to touch your nerve it could cause alot of discomfort. And when your dentist tries to remove it, your wisdome tooth will break in pieces. This can rupture your nerve with can cause the loss of sensation in your mouth or in some worse cases, your face.

The smart thing to do is to remove them as soon as possible. I had my two left wisdomes removed first at one shot, and then i did it on the right side three weeks later. all under novacain

your dentist will prescribe acetaminophen, ibroprophin, and amoxicillin to relieve the pain, and prevent infection

however, if your wisdome teeth do not bother you at all, just make sure to take good care of them.

watever choice you make good luck :)
Reply:my wisdom teeth came all the way in--straight--but i still had them removed. i had enough room, but barely, and the dentist suggested removing because it is difficult to keep them clean. i also had a very deep cavity in one which would have required a root canal and crown, so i opted to have them all yanked. good luck!

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