Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

My wisdom teeth are growing in. What should I be expecting?

Wisdom teeth?
Well if you are lucky they will come through with no problem. Mine came through, but being as they were crowded they were hard to brush so I got cavities in two of them. Instead of having the cavities filled, I just had them pulled. Having them pulled is no problem at all, all I ever had to do was I took two asprins right after and that was it, hardley any pain at all. If they are too crowded and the become impacted then they will have to remove them surgically, which is quite a bit more painfull.
Reply:pain..and ur teeth adjusting...
Reply:PAIN!!!!! I am going and getting mine pulled in 2 hours!!!! They hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... but thats just me! it doesn't bother some people
Reply:Teething pain just like a baby. Watch to make sure they come in straight and don't push your other teeth out of line. If they some in on a weird angle you will probably have to have them pulled.
Reply:Have you ever seen a child teething? You will experience the same things. Lots of aggravation, pain and your other teeth repositioning. Your dentist may take them out sooner if they are causing you to much pain.
Reply:soreness and pain,sometimes the dentist think it best to remove them. one of mine was cutting into my jaw and he removed it. get you some oral jell that will help some.
Reply:When you cut your wisdom teeth, you can expect some discomfort. Not only from the tooth coming throught the gums, but also from the shifting of your teeth. Some people have enough room in their mouths to keep their wisdom teeth, but most have them removed.
Reply:pain and're probably going to have to have them pulled..most people don't keep theirs because they don't grow in straight and they knock your other teeth out of line...


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