Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

what will happen if i dont get my wisdom teeth pulled, and there obviously isnt enough room for them

Wisdom teeth?
It will move the other teeh forward to make room and it will screw up your bite. Have the oral surgeon do xrays and shee how and where the teeth are...Believe me i use to do this for a living, its easier on you if the teeth are impacted, that means under the gum to have them removed. If you just let this go and your teeth get all jacked up and the older you get the teeth will fuse to the bone, and its a real pain in the assets to remove them...
Reply:It will move your other teeth.

Someone people don't have wisdom teeth.

The human mouth has gotten smaller and due to evolution the wisdom teeth are disappearing.
Reply:they going to damage your molars, because usually wisdom teeth grows in varys ways, instead going up, they go side ways, they will damage your molars, i advise to take it off
Reply:although i am not sure..i am 27 and still have mine..they seem like they are dormant, but everyone says they will eventually need to come out..i guess it's not time for me yet.
Reply:Had mine removed 1 month ago. Was supposed to have them removed 12 years ago. If you leave them in, they will start to crowd your other teeth. when they come through the gums they will be hard to reach with a toothbrush so they will start to decay and cause a whole other set of problems. Get them out, it doesnt hurt a bit and I was back to normal in 2 days.
Reply:They could damage the teeth already there. And you would still have to have teeth pulled. I used to get BAD nosebleeds before I got mine out. I suggest if it is time to get them out, pay the man and get them out. Of course you could be like my husband and still not have problems at 40 but I would err on the side of not taking that risk. Because you could be in pain a long time before the dentist can fit you into his schedule.
Reply:you teeth will get crushed and buckeled at the front
Reply:Why remove a wisdom tooth?

shows one reason. This is what can happen by the time you are 40 or 50 if you leave a wisdom tooth in place when it is impacted. The red arrows on the x-ray show the grey area that has decayed due to the wisdom tooth being present under the gum. THe tooth shown is the exact same tooth shown in the x-ray, but turned so you can see the cavity. Food and bacteria can get down there and you can't clean it out. Eventually, it makes a cavity in the tooth next to the wisdom tooth and makes it so you have to have BOTH teeth removed.

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