Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wisdom Teeth?

I had 4 wisdom teeth removed about 4 days ago. I have a really gross taste in my mouth now and it looks like the upper suture area is yellow. Is this normal? Also, when can I eat solid food again?

Wisdom Teeth?
call your oral surgeon with any concerns. You are paying them after all. The nasty taste is normal. I wouldn't rush the solid foods. You don't want to rip your sutures and have to have them re- done. I know it's annoying but be paitient.
Reply:I'm not sure about the yellow part. I started eating solids about 3 days after. Jello, mash potatoes, and macaroni/cheese are the best. It will fill funny eating for about two weeks. That is how it was for me.
Reply:sounds like yougot an infection call your dentist
Reply:Call them tomorrow. Also rinse your mouth with warm salt water - many times (not to much swishing) and clean that area gently with peroxide until they return your call.

You may need an antibiotic.
Reply:You should call the Doctor that removed them... sounds like they might be infected. When did you start to taste the "really gross taste"? It does not sound normal!

When I had my 4 wisdoms out, I remember eating a hot dog later that night. The sesame seeds got into the holes where the teeth were, I guess from the pressure of swallowing? Anyway, you can eat solid food as soon as you're comfortable and not in pain, is what my doc told me. Just be sure to use the water syringe to shoot out the debris that collects in the holes where the teeth were.
Reply:It sounds as though you may have an infection. Go back to the dentist ASAP.
Reply:Call your dentist because it might be an infection.

And I started eating solid food after I got the stitches out.

Good luck.


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