Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

I have

methylprednlsolone so decrease the swelling after I had my wisdom teeth removed. Does anyone know wether or not this is a chewable pill or a swalloble?

Wisdom teeth?
This is a really strong medication for just having your wisdom teeth out. Let me make sure I have the correct that right? Ok...anyway...You should swallow this pill whole and with a meal. I know it's hard to eat after having wisdom teeth out (I've been there), but even if it's mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese, you need food on your stomach when taking this med. Also do not change dose or schedule or stop taking drug; must taper off gradually under medical supervision.
Reply:I would assume swallowable b/c you def cant chew after you get your wisdom teeth out and I am sure your dentist is aware of that and wouldnt give you something to chew.


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