Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

I have six wisdom teeth that need to be taken out and i have the appointment and everything but I was wondering how it is and what I should eat afterwords. Thanks for any information you can give.

Wisdom teeth?
6?? how do u have 6? cuz...usually u have 4

but anyway...

it depends on how impacted the teeth are. if they have to surgically remove it u probably wont want to eat afterwards. basically just eat what u can. if u feel like u can eat solid foods then do so. if u cannot, try some protein shakes or mashed potatoes for instance.

if your teeth are just gonna be pulled out, then it shouldnt hurt too long afterwards.

from experience, ive had a tooth that caused me a week of pain that involved sawing off part of my jaw. ive also had another tooth that let me eat a sandwich right when i got home and never bothered me afterwards.

but anywho...dont worry too much about it. shouldnt be too bad. good luck.
Reply:6 i didn't know it was possible i have 4 and i don't have to get them out thank god. U can't eat meat for awhile because it get stuck in the holes the dentist will tell u what u can and can't have.
Reply:i had teeth pulled. what hurts is the Novocaine being put in. but its not that bad. out of the 4 teeth pulled out here i only passed out on one of them. and eat before you go. the dentist will tell you for how long/what you can eat/drink.
Reply:Are you sure you have six wisdom teeth, most people have four. No, I have all of my wisdom teeth. My wife tells me you have to be very careful about eating things before the numbness wears off cause you can bite your cheek or tongue without realizing it. And the pain will be unbearable if you do, once the numbness wears off. As for after that, avoid crunchy, salty, and sour foods. Anything that will be abrasive to your mouth.
Reply:Have some chocolate, etc., flavored protein shakes (mix well!) and rinse afterwards with water. Use non-alcohol based mouthwash if you use mouthwash after the removal. Take bromelein, found in pineapples, as it promotes healing. Concentrated bromelein tablets are available at GNC stores, and probably elsewhere too. Exercise before the extraction as being in good condition also means healing faster.
Reply:6 teeth, or 6 wisdom teeth? A typical person has only 4 wisdom teeth, so I am assuming they are planning on extracting 2 other teeth while they are in there.

Afterwards they will give you a little squirt bottle that you use to flush out the locations of the extractions, my advice, use it often.

Sometimes people get black eyes after the procedure so don't be alarmed if it happens, it is normal.
Reply:I was able to eat really soft, mushy foods after mine were removed- scrambled eggs, pudding, yogurt, things like that. Your dentist will help you out (hopefully) in what you can and cannot eat. Whatever you do (and your dentist should tell you this), DO NOT USE A STRAW! It's not that easy to drink from a glass when your mouth is numb, but if you use a straw, you can pull the blood clots out of the holes and get dry sockets which is terribly painful.

Good luck to you.
Reply:I just got mine out 5 days ago (just 4 do you have 6?) and it really wasn't bad. It didn't hurt at all, especially the first day. It's just still really sore, and your breath smells bad, but that's about it. For the first day just eat lots of jello and milkshakes and mashed potatoes, and start eating solid foods whenever you feel ready. I ate solid foods by my second day...

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